
The Breakthrough

Sometimes it’s a risk to watch a show that features a topic you know a lot about. You might find yourself nodding along but you also can be quickly shouting at the screen “that would never happen”. Police procedurals sometimes commit the crime of saying things like “we checked the 1991 census and here are…

Lineage Societies

As a European, the concept of a lineage society was only vaguely familiar to me, so I was surprised when Genealogical sent me a free copy of The Complete Guide to Lineage Societies by Kimberly Ormsby Nagy for review purposes. I remember an episode of the Golden Girls where Blanche has to hide a Jewish…

2024 Review in numbers

It was a great professional year. I solved a number of unknown parentage cases – some of which took more than a year of work. I also wrote full family histories for multiple clients and worked on many projects helping people gain Irish citizenship and solve smaller mysteries. Here’s some highlights in numbers. 61 classes/lectures…

Spring Education

It may not even be Christmas yet but enrolment is open for the spring term at Malahide Community School’s Adult Education department. My next beginner’s course on Irish genealogy starts on Monday 27th January 2025. Full details & booking available on the school’s site. Buy yourself an early present or get one for the genealogy-obsessed…

The Gift

A second season of the BBC radio programme/podcast The Gift has just come out. Presented and researched by journalist Jenny Kleeman, it’s a show about at home DNA testing and the stories it uncovers. I hoovered up the first season last year and no doubt will do the same with the second. It was well-researched,…