

There’s been a distinct lack of updates & news from me for the last few months. I was finishing a year back in college doing a Masters in the History of the Family at the University of Limerick. It will be a few months before I get results, so it’s time to get back to my genealogy work. I’m so excited to be back working on my passion: family history.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Of course, I’m still going to be helping clients with their own ancestry, but I hope to have some time for researching my own history too. The recent birth of a new nibling made me open my own tree for the first time in months. He is the 3376th addition to my verified tree.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll spot some new projects and changes on my website. I’ve opened up commenting on posts so feel free to join the conversation! I’ll be sending out a newsletter in the first week of August with details of an exciting new online genealogy course. If you’re not receiving my newsletter yet, you can sign up here.

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